Sunday, October 25, 2009

Developing and Deploying Custom Web Parts for SharePoint Portal 2007

Posted on/at 5:09 AM by Admin


Overview and difference with SPS 2003:

Developing Web Part for SharePoint Portal 2007 is different as compared to developing for SPS 2003. Web Parts Developed in .Net 1.1 for SPS 2003 used the SharePoint.WebPartPages namespace, however the Web Part in ASP.Net 2.0 is found under theSystem.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.

Development of Web Part in VS 2005

To Get Started with creating Custom Web Part for MOSS 2007 in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Open the IDE and create a new C# project, Select Class Library as Project Type. Name It as NewWebPart.


Add a reference to the System.Web  from .Net components into the project. The System.Web dll contains the required namespace ofSystem.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts .


In The Project explorer view rename the Class1.cs with NewWbPart.cs to be consistent with this example; this will result in renaming the Class name as well. With the help of “using” keyword include the namespaces as shown in the code example below. Derive / Extend the NewWebPart Class from the WebPart Class ( System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart), and add the code as shown below. The CreateChildren Control is same as in .Net 1.1, that it would create and add controls to this Web Part Class,. In this case I have only added a WebControl.Calender Object. The RenderControl Method is an override for the WebPart Base Class and calls the RenderChildren Method, this causes the Children Controls to be rendered on the Particular HtmlTextWriter passed as a parameter to the method.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

namespace NewWepPart


    public class NewWebPart : WebPart


        protected override void CreateChildControls()


            Calendar cldr = new Calendar();

            cldr.Enabled = true;

            cldr.ShowGridLines = true;

            cldr.ShowTitle = true;

            cldr.EnableViewState = true;

      cldr.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now;

            Controls.Add(cldr);       �


        public override void RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)






Build the project and on successful built you are ready to Deploy the Web Part to the Portal Site.

Deployment of Web Part:

In order to deploy a web part to a SharePoint portal 2007 site, we must have the URL of the site to which we want our web part needs to be deployed (displayed in fact). As it  is mentioned earlier that the Web Parts developed in .Net 2.0 environment does have a .CAB project , instead an assembly is created on build of project. Now there are two choices to deploy the assembly to the SharePoint portal directory.

  • Deploy the assembly to the Assembly Folder (GAC) (requires the assembly to be stron named).
  • Put the assembly to the bin folder of the portal directory.

For the sake of simplicity, the later choice is being demonstrated in this example.

Putting Assembly in Bin Folder:

The MOSS 2007 creates every portal in the inetpub\wwwroot\wss folder. The easiest way to find the bin folder from these folder hierarchies is to go from inetmgr console. Locate the appropriate portal (for which u want to deploy the web part), identified with the port number. Right click and have Properties. Under the Home Directory Tab, note the path in Local path text box. Verify if the bin folder exists in the specified path by opening it in browser. If the folder doesn’t exist then create one. Now copy the assembly form the project output folder and paste it in bin folder of portal.


However there is another work around for putting the assembly in to the portal’s bin folder again ad again each time the Web Part Project is built with changes.

Right click on the project name (NewWebPart) in the VS.Net 2005 IDE and click properties. Under  the Build page paste the same path copied from inetmgr console into the Output Path. As shown in figure below. This will result in the latest assembly automatically deployed to the bin folder every time the project is built.


Adding the Safe Control Entry:

Even though the assembly is present in the Portal’s Bin folder, there is another step required to make the Control (Web Part) assembly usable on the Portal Pages. Since the control will need to render on multiple machines in different browsers with as many user accounts as the organizations have. There is a need to declare the control as “safe”. To do so open the web.config file placed under the portal’s directory in the VS.Net 2005 IDE.


Then edit the file in the section of SafeControls, create a new SafeControl entry for our assembly as shown below. Save the file and close it.





<SafeControl Assembly="NewWebPart" Namespace="NewWebPart" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />


Configuring Portal to use NewWebPart

Since now the web part have been written and deployed to the desired portal’s directory. The next task is to use the web part on the Portal’s Site. The Web Part Deployed to the portal can be placed on any site within that Portal. For convenience this NewWebPart is demonstrated to be placed on the home page of default Portal.

Open the portal site in the internet explorer; in this case http://oss1 is the URL for the default portal, ensuring that the current logged in user has the administrative rights on the portal site.

To begin with, the first step is to add the newly deployed web to the Portal’s web part gallery, since the portal is using the configuration databases to keep record of the contents of the portal, our newly created web part’s information doesn’t exist in the database. We need to add the web part to the Web Part Gallery before we can use it.

To do so, the following steps should be followed.

1. Click on the Site Actions button and then select Site Settings.


2. On the site settings page under Galleries column click on the Web Parts.


3. On the Web Part Gallery Page click on the New button, to add the new web part assembly to the gallery.


4. On the New Web Parts page locate the NewWebPart in the list, check the check box on the left and click on the Populate Gallerybutton the top of the page. This will result in the Web Part entry creation in the Web Part Gallery list, and hence it can be used from now on from the gallery. It can be notices easily that the Web Parts developed form the new Frame work of 2.0 have an extension of .webpartafter their names. Whereas in earlier versions, it was a .dwp file. Both the .webpart and .dwp files are the XML definition of the Web Part.


5. Until this step the web part is ready to be used on the site by selecting it from Web Part Gallery. Click on the Site Actions button on the page and then select Edit Page, this will modify the appearance of the page to enable the edit view. In this view Web Part Zones are highlighted so that a user can add a web part to the zone, Click on the Add a Web Part button in the left zone to add the Web Part.


6. Select the NewWebPart from the web part list . it is found under the Misc section and then click on�Advanced Web Part gallery and options.


7. In the�Add Web Part Pane at right , select Home  Gallery and then drag the NewWebPart from the pane into the Web Part Zone.


8. Click on the Exit Edit Mode link on the page and the site will return to the view mode.



Saturday, October 24, 2009

Map IP Address to a Geographical Location

Posted on/at 2:38 AM by Admin


On the Internet there is the concept of web site analytics that helps track all the visitors' activities and usage patterns. One of the dimensions to track is the geographical information of the visitors, which can be obtained by using the IP address information that is collected when a user lands on a Website. In this article, I will describe a simple process that enables your reporting system to display the geographical information of the visitors.


This article does not describe the process needed to capture the IP information from the user. This process is an application level solution that can be implemented on the front end with software like ASP.Net, PHP etc. The scope of this article is limited to the usage of the IP address to discover the geographical data. This data is composed of the Country, Region, City, Postal code and Area code where applicable. Some countries may not have the concept of postal code.

What is an IP Address?

When a user lands on a web page, the web application has the ability to collect information from this user. One of these data elements is the IP address. The IP address has a format of, and it is a logical address assigned to a device. This is what identifies your Internet address, and it is composed of segments that identify your geographical location.

What Do I need to Map an IP Address to a Geo Location?

In order to map the IP address to a geographical representation, the system needs the geographical data mapping. This data is provided by several companies. In this case, we are using the GEOLiteCity data, which is free. To obtain this data, visit and download the ZIP file which contains two files, Blocks and Location CSV. The block file maps an IP number range to a location. The location file has the geographical information. Please note that there are frequent updates to these files, so make sure you read the description of their services.

In order to import this data to your database, one first needs to create the table definitions. We need to create the Geo Location and Block tables. This are the table definitions: (you can also download the scripts)


Import the data using your preferred method. The first line on the CSV file is a copyright statement. The second line has the column headers, so make sure to skip the first line during the import process. I have also included a visitor log table which can be used to track the user's data. This table is very simple, and it does not include all the possible data elements that can be collected.


Once the data has been imported, you will notice that the IP address in the data does not look anything like The information is actually stored as an IP number. This numeric value is what allows us to do a range comparison. An IP number range is mapped to a particular location. This is what allows us to do the association, but the first step is to figure out how to convert an IP address to an IP number. This is where a user defined function can help us. We first need to convert the IP address to an IP number by using the ConvertIP2Num function below:


This function first splits the IP address into its four segments (delimited by a dot). This is where XML becomes really handy. We just create an XML string and use the parser to do the split for us by selecting the XML nodes. We use the Row_Number() function to create a factor which will help us arrive to the segment weight (i.e. segment: 192 has rownumber:1 and weigh: 4-1 = 3) . We now apply the conversion formula which consists of assigning a zero based weight to each segment (zero starting from the right segment) and multiplying this segment by (256 ^ n) OR POWER (256,n) where n = weight. The final step is to add all the segment results. For example, IP is converted as follows:


The result is the number that can be used to query the geo tables. To do this, you can create a query similar to the one below which returns the geographical information.


One item to notice here is that the conversion from IP address to number would not perform as well when you are trying to query thousand of rows and using the function to do the conversion at run time. A better approach would be to have an additional column on the table the holds the IP address information. This column can store the IP number as well. (See IPNum column on the Visitor_log Table) This way the import job can populate this field, so there is no performance hit during the query or creation of the report. In addition, by storing both fields (IP Address and Num), you will not have a need to reverse the IP Num to IP Address.

If you do need to reverse an IP Num to IP Address (to validate the process, etc), you can use the ConvertNum2IP function below:


This function just reverses the process by dividing the IP Num by Power(256,n) and subtracting the result from the IP Num. Each segment result is then appended into a string with the corresponding IP Address format.


With this article, I was able to show a simple process to create your own GEO lookup database and provide a solution to map the IP address to its location information. There are still other items to consider like automating the import process to download the new files, convert the IP address to the IP Num value, integrate this information in a data warehouse, and create reports that will show your marketing team in what regions the customers are located.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Facebook forget password Error :)

Posted on/at 6:20 AM by Admin


Just i forget my facebook account password and want to reset it. So i go to facebook website and then forget password and then trying to enter the Security Check words like the below screen shot


Because I am a developer, I can guess the technical problem as the function which compare the user input  and security check words is wrong .

After you click Reset password, FB will send you an email with code to change your password despite of wrong input words as shown on the above image.


May be The below is the technical problem expectation
            The below function of validating word will ignore the last character.


I like catching the problems from big companies’ products :)

Hope it being nice post for you.!

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Developers house is a blog for posting technical articles in different technology like Microsft, Java, Oracle ..etc Microsoft technology includes c#,,,Ajax,SilverLight,TFS,VS.NET 2003,2005,2008,2010 , SQL Server 2000, 2005 , Expression Blend , ...etc I hope it is helpful for all of you and if you are interested to post articles on it, only send me at